We have become aware of the existence of a fraudulent e-commerce that offers the sale of generic items including products of our manufacture without any authorization.


This site uses DWS S.r.l. proprietary images, as well as the name of our company and our products in a manner that is absolutely illegal and NOT authorized by us.


These offers falsely create the impression of collaboration and / or authorization by DWS S.r.l. even though in reality there are no such agreements.


DWS S.r.l. does not currently use any proprietary sites for online sales outside of certain authorized retailers.


Please pay attention to any website URLs and if they are suspicious, please report it to us at the email info@dwssystems.com with the subject line "Suspicious site not authorized by DWS S.r.l." 

Or if you want to know the authorized dealers, please call us at +39 0445 810810.


We thank you in advance for your cooperation!

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